When waterfowlers dream of duck hunting adventure, they dream of Argentina. The skies and marshes of Argentina are home to 13 of the most strikingly beautiful duck species in the world, nearly all of which are found only in South America.
While the cinnamon teal may be common to some, it is always a welcome sight over any decoy spread. In addition to cinnamons, there are several other species which call this area home, including the Speckled, Silver and Brazilian teal. There are also two types of pintails: the white-cheeked or Bahama pintail, that many find to be the most attractive of all the ducks, and the yellow-billed pintail. In addition, you’ll find Chiloe Wigeon, two varieties of whistling ducks, Southern Shovelers, and what many consider the king of the South American ducks, the Rosy-billed Pochard; a big, dark duck that flies like a mallard and decoys like a canvasback.