September 2023

David Denies Sponsors Day of the Children in Cordoba

Day after day, week after week, year after year, The Foundation Hermana Theresa do most of their work in piece-meal, quietly moving between community centers, supporting, loving, and serving the many, many children who need love and nutrition in the area. The size of the foundation’s impact is hard to grasp, but the David Denies Wingshooting organization and their giving clients have been there from the beginning. But Each year, there is one day that all the children in the region wait for-it’s like a second Christmas, and yet it is different.


Our Journey of Support and Sharing Expands: Introducing the Tucumán Hope Project

At David Denies Bird Hunting, we understand the importance of giving back to the local communities we serve, and we are proud of our unwavering commitment to them. Since 1985, our motto has been “investing money in people“, and it’s a mission that continues to evolve. That’s why we are thrilled to announce our new …


A Life-Changing Journey: Witnessing the Impact of David Denies’ Support on Local Communities

At David Denies, we believe in the power of community and the profound impact it can have on shaping the lives of individuals, especially children. Our commitment to creating positive change and supporting local communities has led us to collaborate with various villages in the San Marcos Sierras region. We are thrilled to share a …


Take ’em, By Doug Larsen

By Doug Larsen, For The Retriever Journal. You have heard it from guides and hunting buddies. Heck, you have probably said it. I have heard it for years, and I know that I have said it. “Take ‘em” or, ”Let’s get ‘em, or even “Now!” said loud enough for a group of guys to hear is …


Stuff, By Doug Larsen

By Doug Larsen, For The Retriever Journal. Recently I was over at my mother’s house and found myself flipping through a heavy old photo album that contained all sorts of family photos going back several generations. Some of the photos I recognized, but I found one that I had never come across before, and it was …


Estancia Lanín – New Stag Opportunity in Argentina for 2023

Red Stag Lanín After years of scouting many areas, we have recently secured for our guests what perhaps is one of the finest Red Stag hunting ranches in all of Argentina. This area in northwest Patagonia, at the foothills of the Lanin Volcano, has it all: a healthy deer population, a breathtaking mountain country interspersed …


New Guy, By Doug Larsen

By Doug Larsen, For The Retriever Journal. I have been duck hunting for so long, that somewhere in the second half of the season, I just function on reserve power.  I have tried over the years to do everything according to some sort of system, and that seems to help me.  Duck hunting these days requires …


Motivation, By Doug Larsen

By Doug Larsen, For The Retriever Journal. There was a discussion over breakfast at the diner one morning during duck season. It was mostly about continuing to duck hunt, while simultaneously getting older. This may seem odd if you stop to think about it for a moment because this is something we all do. We are …


David Denies & FME celebrated Children’s Day once again!

Every year, David Denies takes on the initiative to make a purchase of school supplies to support the low-income children of our areas, so that they can attend classes with everything they need for the school year. Together with the Fundación Misión Esperanza, we conduct a survey of the students and their teachers to assess …


Top Ten List— Advanced, By Doug Larsen

By Doug Larsen, For The Retriever Journal. Anyone who has read more than two magazines in their life has probably seen one of those articles that is a list of tips to make your hunting easier. I see them all the time. The trouble with them is, if you have been hunting waterfowl for more than …