November 2017

Fishing for Memories – by Dave Mellum

I’m not a professional photographer—I’m not even an amateur. I’m just your “average Joe” who snaps a few shots to bring back home to share with family and friends. Photos remind me of the wonderful trips I’ve experienced with old friends and of the new friendships I’ve created. Memories are what I’ve come to prize …


10 Perdiz Hunting Tips

Bernardo Barran, co-owner of both San Juan and Uruguay Lodges, has more than 40 years of experience perdiz hunting in Uruguay, and is South America’s most noted upland outfitter. In the text that follows, he shares his knowledge about particular perdiz hunting experiences. Taking these 10 tips into consideration will not only make you a …


Bird Hunting at Buenos Aires & Uruguay 2018

Uruguay: Mixed-Bag Hunts For the Lucky Few  How to describe Uruguay? It’s a small country that few visit, except for those that throng the beaches on the coast. In the heartland there are few people and the premium is on tranquility. Imagine if Nebraska was it’s own country. Neither too flat nor too hilly and …


NRA Annual Convention

David Denies Bird Hunting is once again participating in the National Rifle Association’s (NRA’s) annual convention.  This years event is being held from April 27, 2017 – April 30, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia.  Over 80,000 people are expected, with President Trump delivering the keynote presentation on Friday, April 28th. While the event is billed primarily …


Mixed-Bag Hunting You Don’t Wanna Miss! – Uruguay

We Have Your Springtime Fix This is the moment to book our popular Uruguayan destinations, San Juan and Uruguay Lodge. If you’re interested in the best mixed-bag programs don’t miss the opportunity to hunt with us this season. Last dates available Uruguay Lodge  May 5th – 10th June 26th – July 1st San Juan Lodge July 21st -26th San …


CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS – David Denies & Mission Esperanza Foundation

Every year, David Denies & Mission Esperanza Foundation celebrates Christmas. This year Sister Theresa and a group of volunteers visited the Community Centers delivering gifts to the children. This was our way of being part of these underprivileged children Christmas. Every child will go home with a bag of goodies and a new toy. A …



This past July, the Mission Esperanza Foundation volunteers visited Santiago del Estero in a solidarity mission with the Mobile Hospital. For a week, the volunteers provided free health care services to uninsured people and sought to improve the quality of life of people in need. Sister Theresa and 28 volunteers joined to travel to the …


David Denies and Foundacion Maria Esperanza celebrated Children’s Day.

DD and FME again joined forces for what is consider the most important children’s day in Argentina on August 27. The organization of the event started well before, with volunteers that collected food, potable water, toys, candies and all kind of goodies. The children’s day was celebrated in the FME main headquarters and was available …


End of Season Report 2016 – Los Crestones Lodge, Argentina

During our pre season scouting in March we noticed that our area had almost perfect water levels, and so we anticipated great things for this season. We had a nice a cool late summer that eased its way into the cold fronts that arrived in the early fall.  We began with far more preferable conditions to previous …


Hunting Report 2016 – La Dormida Lodge – Argentina

Hello everybody, Joaquin here again, the lodge manager and shooting guide at La Dormida Lodge. Some of you have already met me and I hope to meet those of you that have not yet been to La Dormida for our terrific dove shooting. Let me tell you about the first six months of 2016, this …