September 2015

David Denies and FME celebrate Children’s Day

David Denies and FME celebrate Children’s Day DD and FME once again joined forces for what is considered the most important children’s day in Argentina. The organization of the event started a long time before the event. The first step was to line up all the volunteers that would help to collect food, potable water, …


Jacana – End of season report

Sadly, the duck season has come to an end at Jacana lodge. Now we’ll take some time to rest and to clean, dry, and store our hunting gear for the next season. This year has been extremely wet—but also tremendous—our best shooting in the eleven year history of Jacana. High-water levels made getting to our …


End of season Report 2015 – Los Crestones, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The 2015 duck season was exceptional at Los Crestones. Average water levels, with limited rain before and during the season, produced concentrations of ducks at our carefully selected hunting areas. Colder weather also triggered migrations, both from the south and north, earlier this year than last. Since opening in late April, clients have had consistent …



INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S DAY Dear Shooting Traveler: You may have read about the work we’re doing to support the Maria de la Esperanza Mission in the Cordoba region. From community centers, to serving hundreds of meals daily, to a mobile health clinic—our goal is to positively affect the lives of the children in Cordoba. Many of …


Shooting Shows 2015 Agenda

This time of year, we often get so wrapped up in the Holiday spirit that we forget to look ahead to the New Year. While it is important to enjoy celebrating with friends and family now, with just a little pre-planning you can make certain that you’ll be prepared to attend two important events in …


Solidarity Days

A group of volunteers meets once a month and visit one of the Community Centers of the Mission Esperanza Foundation. These Community Centers (soup kitchens) are located in helpless and rural areas of Cruz del Eje. Our goal is that people visit the Community Centers and showing different ways of life invite them to contribute …